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The Lyon-Turin advances in underground and outdoors

The new year began with a new construction site for the Mont Cenis base tunnel after the group that will have to build the Italian section of the work settled in Chiomonte.

Meanwhile, work continues on all outdoor and underground construction sites, where excavations at the end of January exceeded 35.5 km out of 164 km, of which 13 km are base tunnel.

In Saint-Julien-Montdenis (CO-08), excavation continues on the base tunnel’s two sides from the western entrance using the traditional method.

The excavation of the second communication branch between the two tunnels also ended on 7 February, 125 meters from the first branch built in October.

At Saint-Martin-la-Porte, the terrain of the sizeable technical cavern transverse to the foot of the access adit has been lowered. Near the intersection with the second branch of the tunnel, the excavation of the communication branch no. 22 began and, starting from the bottom of the logistics cavern, the first of the second tunnel of the base tunnel began on both fronts mirror, Turin and Lyon side.

Meanwhile, in La Praz, the excavation of the tunnel connecting to the large transversal technical cavern of the safety site continues.

On the Avrieux platform, excavation of the third of the four ventilation shafts of the base tunnel, vertical tunnels 500 meters deep, is underway. At the foot of the Villarodin-Bourget/Modane access adit, all the planned tunnels and the assembly caverns for the two “gripper” cutters have been completed.
Outside on the construction site of the Modane ring road, the excavation of the 192 meters of road tunnel at the entrance to the Valley was completed on 8 February.

In Chiomonte, the new group for excavating the base tunnel is preparing the construction site in Italy. Outdoor works are underway for the new construction site motorway junction, managed by the motorway concessionaire Sitaf: the construction of the artificial tunnel along the road to Giaglione is underway while the activities for the foundations of the new junction continue.

Finally, in San Didero, the construction, managed by Sitaf, of the new auto port serving the Valley continues: the extension of the existing underpasses is nearing completion and the expansion of the motorway embankment functional to the construction of the entry and exit lanes from the highway. The construction of the underground services (water disposal and systems) and the under foundations of the flyovers continue.

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