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TELT at WORK - n. 4 2021
TELT at WORK - n. 4 2021

Rail infrastructure as a sustainability paradigm: TELT at WORK 4 is now online

The new edition of the video magazine created by TELT to report on the development of the cross-border section of the Lyon-Turin line addresses a number of key issues: How does sustainability work at TELT? How does a binational organisation work? How to network at European level and promote innovation?

The Zoom column opens by recalling the central role of the ecological transition, the challenge to which we must all commit now, as set out in the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

French economist Gaël Giraud, Director of the Centre for Environmental Justice at Georgetown University in Washington, believes that rethinking mobility implies a total reorganisation of the territory:

Green mobility, and in particular rail mobility, is one of the four pillars of the ecological transition. […] If we manage to intelligently combine small local lines with big ones, it would be very satisfying. I am not sure there is enough budget to do it, but if we had the funds and the political will for both, it would certainly be very positive.

Economist Giuseppe Russo, Director of Centro Einaudi in Turin, replies remotely, explaining why investing in infrastructure has a positive effect on the economy:

Investments can be made on infrastructures at any time, regardless of the current economic trend. […] When two cities of comparable size, such as Lyon and Turin, are connected to an infrastructure, more relations can be developed.

The Inside column looks at the combination of Italian and French cultures in a binational organisation like TELT: Myriam Abel and Mario Rosario Bruno, who work in the Project Control and Planning Department, explain how they work and communicate on a daily basis between Italy and France.

In the new Futurama column, Director General Mario Virano highlights the importance given by the public promoter to research and the exchange of best practices at international level.

We are trying to develop as much as possible the theme of the circular economy in our sector because of the environmental impact it has. We have selected a number of players with the most advanced experience in the fields we are interested in, in order to share and capitalise on the best practices from around the world.

In this context, the following partnerships represent an important first step:  with ITER, for safety at work in complex conditions, with CERN for the management of excavated materials, and with Eurotunnel – now Getlink – for the transformation of the company from the design and construction phase to commercial management.

Finally, for the Environment First column, TELT meets Patrick Martin – Vice-President of the French employers’ association MEDEF – who stresses the importance of the two governments in developing multimodal transport in the coming years. For the PlatForm Europe column, French MEP Dominique Riquet analyses the role of the EU in developing rail freight transport and for the Outsider column David Avino, CEO of the aerospace company Argotec, highlights the role of satellites in sustainable mobility.

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