TELT took part in the MeRIT Conference 2022 – Megaprojects Research Interdisciplinary Team workshop –discussing the characteristics of the Lyon-Turin project alongside other Italian players in the sector.
Launched in 2019, the MeRIT Conference is a project organised by Politecnico di Milano and Università Cattolica that aims to make students and professionals aware of the issues concerning the realisation of increasingly integrated, resilient and high-performance infrastructural works in various territories.
During the round table, which was also attended by representatives of Pedemontana Lombarda, Concessioni Autostradali Lombarde S.p.A. and DLA Piper, the main risks in the design, construction and management of mega transport projects – motorways and railways – were addressed. From tender management to financing, from relations with the territories to attention to natural resources, the professionals explained their respective strategies to ensure the achievement of the direct and indirect objectives of each project.

Specifically, TELT presented the solutions implemented for the preservation of the Zerynthia Polyxena butterfly, and in the relations between business and territory within the mission of the Démarche Grand Chantier.
Sharing the main challenges in terms of respecting Time-Cost-Quality, the reflection concerning Megaprojects requires new paradigms in the framework of international and unpredictable events that are increasingly frequent and impactful from an economic, technological, supply and safety standards point of view. Hence, the forms of governance of mega-projects require ever greater ability to adapt to specific conditions and in order to manage uncertainties.