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The French Government holds 50% stake through the Ministry of Economy
The Italian Government holds a 50% stake through the Italian State Railways
The French Government holds 50% stake through the Ministry of Economy
The Italian Government holds a 50% stake through the Italian State Railways
On the basis of the international agreements that define its foundation, The TELT articles of association provide for an independent control system to check the adequacy and efficiency of its activities. This activity is mainly entrusted to two structures: the “Permanent Inspection Service” (PIS) and the “Contracts Commission” (CC), both with a French presidency of 12 members, six appointed by each government for a renewable term of five years.
The Permanent Inspection Service ensures compliance with the correct use of public funds, the economic, financial and technical efficiency of the Company and in general its proper functioning. On the other hand, the Contracts Commission has the task of controlling all the procedures relating to the awarding of a contract, from the tender to its award.
The company has also adopted a Code of Ethics that commits it to guaranteeing Human Rights, in terms of combatting all forms of discrimination, promoting gender equality, and assuring health and safety in the workplace.
Bâtiment LINKLAB – 455 chemin de la Cassine
73000 Chambéry (France)
Société par Actions Simplifiées
au capital de 1 000 000 d’euros
RCS Chambéry 439 556 952
TVA FR 03439556952
Via Nizza 40
10125 Torino (TO)
Bâtiment LINKLAB
455 chemin de la Cassine – CS 20803
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